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How to understand your disease of aging : ageless man 

AGELESS MAN in short



What is the normal level of testosterone in the blood?

The normal level of testosterone at age 25 is 700 to 1000 nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma.
This level decreases with age. Around the age of 40 the level is 600 to 400 nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma.
Then the rate decreases again to reach 300 nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma or less.

What is the standard of testosterone levels according to the laboratories?

Some laboratories give as normal levels ranging from 1000 to 100 nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma. This represents the levels in an entire population. Everyone is within these limits. But men with symptoms of aging diseases have low levels of testosterone.

My laboratory gives me results in nanograms per liter of plasma or in nanomoles. How do I calculate in nanograms per 100 ml?

You can do the conversion by entering your results through the website: http://www.unitslab.com

What is testosterone used for?

Testosterone is not a sex hormone. It is an anabolic hormone well known to body builders.
This explains the strong muscles in men compared to women's muscles which are less developed.

What is the sex hormone?

The sex hormone is dihydrotestosterone which is produced in the body by the biological transformation of testosterone which is a biological precursor.
In the absence of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone is not produced by the body.

What is the normal level of dihydrotestosterone in the plasma?

The level of dihydrotestosterone in the plasma around the age of 20-25 years is usually 100 to 75 nanograms per 100 milliliters.

What is the definition of hypogonadism?

The medical literature generally considers testosterone levels below 300 nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma to be hypogonadism.

However the androgenic disease of andropause can result in testosterone levels between 300 and 100
nanograms per 100 milliliters of plasma (definition of hypogonadism). These are very old men, sometimes over 80 years old. Testosterone is not indicated and is even contraindicated. Mesterolone can only be administered with caution and with a complete biochemical and medical check-up, because the structures of the organism are largely destroyed and it is impossible to go back. Life expectancy in the US is 76 years. Beyond that, the risk of death exists at every moment. Prevention must begin around the age of 40.

What is the treatment for hypogonadism?

The medical literature generally considers that hypogonadism can be treated with testosterone gel or injections. However, it will be necessary to verify the long-term result since testosterone is also a precursor of the female hormone estradiol which is a proliferative hormone. In any case, I would prefer a supplementation with mesterolone (mesterolone cannot be converted into a female hormone). This is perfectly possible and biochemically verifiable.

What is the definition of andropause disease or androgenic disease of andropause?

 "Andropause Disease"  is the whole of physiological and psychological changes

that accompany the natural and gradual cessation of sexual activity in man

as a result of the decreased production of androgens (testosterone and  dihydrotestosterone) after 40.

What is the treatment of androgenic disease of the Andropause?

The treatment of androgenic disease of the Andropause is only done by mesterolone in pill form.

What is mesterolone?

The mesterolone molecule is a dihydrotestosterone molecule on which a methyl radical has been grafted. This one is separated in the liver and releases the dihydrotestosterone. Mesterolone has also the properties and benefits of testosterone. The treatment with mesterolone is therefore a natural treatment with a natural hormone, dihydrotestosterone, which is the only sex hormone.

Why take mesterolone only?

Mesterolone is the only molecule that corresponds to the correct treatment of the androgenic disease of andropause (and the androgenic disease of menopause). Its molecular structure allows a natural treatment of this disease. No other androgen has the biological properties of mesterolone. There is no alternative. Mesterolone is inexpensive.

Why are there so many complaints against testosterone treatments in elderly patients?

Elderly patients with low testosterone levels are not generally hypogonadal. They suffer from the androgenic disease of andropause which is treated with mesterolone, not testosterone.

Give me an example of a hypogonadal patient.

The simplest example is that of a man who has been castrated for one reason or another.

When should treatment for androgenic disease of the andropause be started?

The decrease in dihydrotestosterone production is already significant at age 40. This causes sexual aging and its symptoms. In this case, treatment should be started and continued for life.
If nothing is done, the diseases of aging will appear at the age of 60 and sometimes earlier.
Private insurance companies no longer insure men over 60 because the diseases of aging are a certainty and not a coincidence.
These diseases end in death. Life expectancy in the USA has decreased in recent years to about 76 years. Prevention must begin around the age of 40.

How to evaluate the effect of a treatment with mesterolone?

The disappearance of the symptoms under mesterolone is a good signal.
In daily medical practice, mesterolone is not measured in the blood. However, it is possible to measure the metabolites of mesterolone in the urine collected during 24 hours by urine chromatography.
The easiest way is to control the variation of the current biological parameters.
Decreasing parameters: Glucose. Triglycerides. Total cholesterol.
Increasing parameters: Red blood cells. Lymphocytes (increased immunity).
PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) remains stable or decreases under mesterolone. Its normal level is 2 to 2.5 units per milliliter of plasma. This level remains below 4 until about the age of 40.
The prevention of diseases of aging must begin around the age of 40. It is the object of a new medical profession which would require a generalized teaching in the world.

Where to buy mesterolone?

Why isn't mesterolone disponible in my country?

Mesterolone is available worldwide including in United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, China and India. However, this safe and inexpensive drug is  unavailable in the USA, Canada and New Zeeland without any explanation or justification. Note that the life expectancy has decreased in the USA. American life expectancy began to stagnate around 2010, while other developed countries continued to see gains. We can therefore ask ourselves questions.


Life expectancy in the US


History of andropause disease
Life maintenance system

A foundation of life maintenance system

Health in XXIst century