Drapeau France                     Drapeau espagne                    Drapeau UK                  drapeau américain              drapeau émirats 
Obesity  Diabetes  Erection Ejaculation Prostate Prostate adenoma Prostate atrophy Prostate cancer Immunity Hair loss
Arteriosclerosis Hypertension Coronary disease Anemia Heart infarct Muscular weakness Osteoporosis Arthrosis Depression Parkinson Alzheimer

Prostate cancer

How to understand your disease of aging : ageless man 

AGELESS MAN in short



Andropause disease with androgens stabilizes the prostate.


Testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men does not increase the risk of prostate cancer

Androgens deprivation in prostate cancer is associated with a significant risk of Alzheimer's disease .pdf download

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has been a mainstay of treatment of prostate cancer since the 1940s. Although its use has historically been limited to metastatic disease, randomized evidence supports the use of ADT in combination with external-beam radiation therapy for locoregional disease with high-risk features. Overall the use of ADT has increased dramatically over recent decades, with an estimated 500,000 men currently receiving ADT for prostate cancer in the United States. The side effects of this suppression of androgens may be significant: Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Future Alzheimer’s Disease Risk.pdf

They are doctors and even some "oncologists" who are pleased to reduce the PSA level to zero through drugs that prevent androgens' production that was a "treatment" used decades ago. They are thus demonstrating how to induce Alzheimer's disease in their patients with certainty. Their responsibility is engaged. Today, cancer treatment o is a matter of immunology.  Today the treatment of prostate cancer is based on immunology.

The risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease is higher in patients "treated with antiandrogens" is confirmed by a meta-analysis published in 2021

PSA and Prostate cancer - errors to be avoided

Since years PSA test is used as a specific marker of prostate cancer (when PSA  also increases in adenoma or infection of the prostate).

PSA tests are also made to follow the treatments' responses.

The global mortality of prostate cancer has not been modified significantly since the beginning of twenty century.

In the USA they are insurers who do not refund any more detection of PSA tests for preventive diagnosis of the cancer of the prostate.

Notwithstanding, it would be interesting to know  PSA levels in each person at any age because the first stages of cell's  transformations and increase of PSA level can be reversed with appropriate therapy with androgens(exhaustive studies are necessary).

Many doctors have been slow to recognize that the use of PSA for screening lacks sensitivity and specificity, and cannot distinguish an aggressive from nonaggressive cancer, thereby leading to over-diagnosis and over-treatment (Richard J Ablin).  Download,pdf.

 Error 1:

PSA is not specific to prostate cancer. It is an activity's marker which level in the blood varies between 1 and 4 Nanograms/ml.

A simple prostate infection can elevate PSA levels. A prostate adenoma may also regress (prostate volume and PSA) with an appropriate therapy with androgens.

Error 2 :

To believe that testosterone provokes cancerous  prostate transformation ignoring the different grades of prostate cells.

They are ten grades to evaluate prostate cancer known as " Gleason's grades" :

The 5 or 6 first grades of transformation can regress under the influence of male hormones Download pdf.

Aggressive grades can be stimulated to higher degrees under male hormones-Download pdf.


Androgens must be avoided If PSA level rises under androgens' therapy.

Error 3 :

To misunderstand the balance between testosterone and dihydrotestosterone on prostate cells.

Fatal Error 4  :

Misunderstanding  errors 1 to 3 and ignoring personalized therapy and companion diagnostics in each patient

Prostate Ageing Control

This book will be published around June 2024.


History of andropause disease
Life maintenance system

A foundation of life maintenance system

Health in XXIst century