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How to understand your disease of aging : ageless man 

AGELESS MAN in short



The Health Saintenance system (Life Maintenance System) is contolled at any time by biochemical programs.

Georges DEBLED MD. demonstrated since 40 years that a decrease of production in male hormones produces and worsens the sexual involution in man; cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis, high sugar, high cholesterol and lipids in the blood; arthrosis, stiffness and rheumatism in the joins ; nervous breakdown and involution of the brain.

Those phenomenons were described in two pionneer-books  by Dr Georges DEBLED : " L'Andropause, cause, conséquences et remèdes", Maloine, Paris 1988 et "Au-delà de cette limite votre ticket est toujours valable", Albin Michel, Paris 1992 et 1994.

In 1992, at an international congress on aging in Dallas, Dr. Georges DEBLED presented his theory, according to which the fall in testosterone secretion is responsible for male climacteric and ageing illnesses (1-2).

1. DEBLED G. The male climacteric, prime cause of sex involution. The tenth annual international symposium on man and his environment in health and disease. February 27 - March 1, 1992, Dallas. Texas. U.S.A.

2. DEBLED G. The male climacteric, prime cause of aging. The tenth annual international symposium on man and his environment in health and disease. February 27 - March 1, 1992, Dallas. Texas. U.S.A.

Since this time many scientific papers  have confirmed this work:

In 1997,  the 21 INSERM Unit in  France confirmed the increase of cardiovascular risk when testosterone secretion is low in "healthy" adult man  : "Association between plasma total testoterone and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy adult men"  in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 82, N° 2, p. : 682- 685). This study known as the  Telecom study investigated two groups of men during 8 years comparing their blood testosterone levels. (download)

The first group with normal testosterone during 8 years did not show any increase of vascular risk during this period. 

The second group with a decrease of  blood testosterone along the 8 years demonstrated a significative increase of cardiovascular risk.

Recent Publications confirming the hypogonadism of the final phase of the andropause disease

History of andropause disease
Life maintenance system

A foundation of life maintenance system

Health in XXIst century